Monday, March 1, 2010

Thoughts on Change (and Pucci)

What it means to "change" is something I've been pondering all day.

There's no doubt in my utmost sincerity to want to improve and become a better person, especially after the repercussions of the past year. However, if three years of law school has drilled anything into my head, it's that intent may be important, but certainly not determinative. Case in point: involuntary manslaughter will still land you in jail. Or, with something more personally relevant, being thoughtlessly selfish and rude will still hurt dearly beloved's feelings, possibly beyond repair. So the questions I am left with are: how can I make the positive changes in my life last? Is this something that should be done gradually, with baby steps, or immediately, with no trace of the past left behind?

I was interested to read this morning that Pucci, after decades of notoriety for its psychedelic prints, has decided to turn a new leaf. As Wall Street Journal puts it, "these days, the company founded by Emilio Pucci aims to be known as the brand of young aristocrats - the one where a winsome girl with good breeding tosses on a skimpy silk-and -ostrich-feather mini dress and heads out for a cappuccino with friends." Seems that Pucci thinks the best changes are immediate and drastic, not incremental.

While I did enjoy a few of their looks, it didn't look anything like the distinctive brand I know and recognize. So this is my goal: make the changes necessary to be made in my life, while still remaining authentic and true to myself.


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